

The objective of this surgery is to straighten the bone and cartilage. The bone and cartilage divide the area between the two nostrils. This cartilaginous wall is called the septum. When the septum is crooked, it is called a deviated septum. It can make it hard for you to breathe through your nose. It could...

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Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Repair (CSF Leak)

What is cerebrospinal fluid? Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear liquid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It acts as a cushion for the delicate brain and spinal tissues. A reduction in cerebrospinal fluid, as is in the case of a leak, requires immediate care by a trained professional. What is a CSF leak? A CSF...

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What is a septorhinoplasty? The purpose of a septorhinoplasty is to improve the appearance of your nose (rhinoplasty) and to improve your breathing through the nose (septoplasty). Hence, it has an aesthetic as well as a functional outcome. What are the benefits of a septorhinoplasty? The benefits of this surgery are twofold; firstly, from an...

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Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a procedure to remove any blockages in the sinuses. It is also called Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) or Video Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (VESS)  Loss of smell, breathing difficulties, pain, recurrent infections and drainage are common symptoms of these blockages. Sinus surgery helps to relieve symptoms from: Nasal polyps and Sinusitis...

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Endonasal Orbital Decompression

Exophthalmos is the bulging or protrusion of the eyeballs from their sockets, which may lead to loss of vision. It is a condition associated with Graves' disease, which is an immune system disorder resulting in the overproduction of thyroid hormones (Hyperthyroidism). Orbital decompression surgery is performed to relieve this exophthalmos.  Why is an orbital decompression...

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Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

A dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a procedure that creates a new drainage path for tears between your eyes and nose. If your tear duct becomes blocked, surgery may be required. The surgery can be done externally through a skin incision or endoscopically through the nose without leaving an incision on the skin. Both approaches are equally...

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Adenoids are a single cluster of tissue at the back of the nose (nasopharynx). In an adult, they are located on the back wall of the throat (pharynx) around one inch above the uvula. Tonsils are two clusters of tissues on either side of the throat. They are embedded in pockets at the side of...

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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a sleep disorder involving the stopping or significant reduction in airflow while breathing during sleep. It is the most common type of sleep-disordered breathing, characterized by recurrent episodes of upper airway collapse during sleep.  There are three main types of sleep apnoea, i.e., Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Central Sleep Apnoea and...

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Skull Base Surgeries

Skull base surgeries are performed in the area toward the base or bottom of the skull. Surgeries in this area may be performed for both cancerous and non-cancerous growths and also for abnormalities on the underside of the brain and skull base.  To operate endoscopically, the surgeon inserts the instruments through the natural openings of...

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Pituitary Tumours

The pituitary is a gland that is joined to the base of the brain. It is about the size of a pea. It is located behind the nose and the sphenoid sinus, below the hypothalamus. It is also called the “master gland” because its hormones help regulate the balance of hormones made by most other...

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